
Amope Pedi Perfect Review: Is it the Best Callus Remover?

amope pedi perfect reviewLet’s be honest. Cheese graters are scary, and literally scraping the skin off your feet sounds drastic. While foot files aren’t necessarily as frightening as they appear, there are still plenty of other options for those interested in fewer blades and less scraping. The twenty-first century has provided a number of clever electric options for those looking for a power source besides elbow grease, and these joint-saving contraptions rarely – if ever – feature blades. Of these pain-free, effortless pedicure tools, the Amopé Pedi Perfect Electric Filer is one of the most popular.

Like any popular personal care tool, however, buyers must always be wary of the difference between hype and reality. Although advertisers can make essentially any product look good in a television ad or magazine placement, the best source of information usually comes from previous buyers. It’s also important to understand what you are buying; studying the descriptions of the product via multiple sources is key, though it is always important to remember that even a third party website is probably trying to sell the product rather than inform potential buyers.

We are happy to say we have done your research for you. Below is a description of the product’s features, advantages, shortcomings, and reviews.

Amopé Pedi Perfect Electronic Foot File with Diamond CrystalsClick here to see reviews and prices for the Amope Pedi Perfect on

Design and Features of the Amope Pedi Perfect


pedi perfectThe Pedi Perfect functions as a high tech pumice stone. Rather than applying tiny blades like a file, the coarse material on the Pedi Perfect’s removable spinning head does the work of buffing rather than scraping away hard skin and calluses. An ergonomic handle allows users to comfortably grip the device as it does the work of callus removal for them. The Pedi Perfect is designed to be used on dry skin, although there is a new style of the same product now available that works on both wet and dry feet. It is more expensive, however, and it is important to remember that the regular Pedi Perfect warns repeatedly in directions and product descriptions to only use the tool on dry skin.


There are several electric foot files on the market today, but reviewers of any electric foot file often make the same complaint: the power source isn’t strong enough. Since the spinning head of an electric file is meant to do all the work of chafing off hard skin and calluses, a low powered motor is often a fatal flaw.

However, whereas the Pedi Perfect’s primary competition typically uses two batteries to fuel the device, the Pedi Perfect uses four. This gives it a greater reserve of power, and although pushing hard against the spinning head can stop its motion, it is less of a problem than it is with other devices. As an additional bonus, Pedi Perfect comes with its own batteries. If you have ever bought a battery-powered appliance or given electric toys for the holidays, you already know the special little headache you get after a grand unwrapping to discover the ugly little words: “batteries not included.” Using batteries rather than a power cord also ensures you can work on your feet wherever is most comfortable for you, regardless of whether or not an outlet is nearby.amope pedi perfect before and after

After Care

On Amopé’s official page for the Pedi Perfect, two separate products are suggested and included in info graphics describing the Pedi Perfect’s use. One is a lotion and one is a specialized foot cream, both developed by Amopé.

The official instructions listed on third party selling websites advise users to not only use lotions or creams to help protect the newly revealed skin, but also recommend additional callus removers or exfoliating treatments after using the Pedi Perfect. The implication, of course, is that your Pedi Perfect might not do the job on its own. While post-buffing moisturizers are a usual part of any callus treatment, few products suggest an additional exfoliating agent after removing dead skin with a tool. Plenty of reviewers, however, claim the tool works quite well on its own.

Customer Sentiment

Although excessive pressure can halt the spinning motion of the buffing head, customers view this product positively, even from those who reported the occasional stop of the head. The vast majority give the product a high rating. That said, people referenced this product with “rough” or “cracked” heels rather than calluses.

Those with thick calluses will likely need to use this product several times in order to completely eliminate the hard skin. The Pedi Perfect’s motor cannot stand up to strong pressure, which means the thicker the callus, the more time is needed to wear it away. Realistically, however, very few products guarantee total callus removal with a single application.

A word to the wise: this product can make a mess. In Youtube demonstrations, dead skin goes flying. The thoughtful user should use this product in an easily cleaned environment – like a bathroom – or work over a towel/cloth that is easy to clean.

ready to goPros:

  • Easy to use
  • Painless
  • More battery power than many comparable brands
  • Comes with batteries


  • May require multiple uses to remove calluses and hard skin
  • Rotating head will stop under too much pressure
  • Makes a mess

Final Thoughts


Ultimately, any purchase is a risk. Understanding the product before hand, however, negates much of the potential gamble shoppers face when buying new tools, creams, or appliances.

Based on the customer sentiment and the product descriptions themselves, the Amopé Pedi Perfect is an ideal single time treatment for those with minor calluses or those who are looking to remove hard skin for cosmetic purposes. Those with substantial callus build up will likely have to use this product a number of times to see results, especially since substantial pressure can stop the rotation of the spinning head. If you are patient, willing to use the tool multiple times, and consider the hourly investment worth the avoidance of sharp files or endless rounds with a pumice stone, then the Amope Pedi Perfect may well become your new best friend.

  • Ease of Use
  • Effectiveness
  • Price


Wonderful product. Very effective. Highly recommended callus remover!


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